10 Exercises that helped heal my POP

Dear Mumma,

The exercises that I am sharing with you here are the ones that I believe helped me the most in healing my pelvic organ prolapse (POP). I did them regularly and consistently over many months and as part of my full-body strength training. To this day, I still use them every time I train. The breathing strategies, proper movement patterns, and mobility work are paramount to healing and maintaining a healthy pelvic floor.

They are intended to help reestablish and/or reinforce proper breathing strategies and movement patterns that are important for the health of your pelvis, pelvic floor muscles, and pelvic organs.

I will guide you through five (+ a bonus!) strength exercises that are intended to help build support in the core, pelvic floor, and hips - my favorites!

If you have any questions, please reach out to me!


What you’ll get:

  • 13 guided exercise videos

    • 3 breathing videos (learn to connect to your core efficiently)

    • 5 mobility & alignment videos for a healthy pelvic floor

    • 5 strengthening videos for core, hips, and pelvic floor

    • 5 Keys to Healing Your POP (more tips!)

  • immediate full access

  • + BONUS anatomy video

  • + BONUS strength video

One time

I apologize for a longer than usual checkout - you have to join the HealthyMumma.FIT membership site to get access to these videos. This is simply how this platform is set up. Apologies! I think you’ll find it worth the extra effort! :)

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